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Skills in Clinical Nursing, 6/E
¼ÒºñÀÚ°¡°Ý  : 50,000¿ø (10%ÇÒÀÎ)
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ÃâÆǻ砠: Prentice Hall
ÀúÀÚ  : Audrey J. Berman
¹ßÇàÀÏ  : 2009
ÆäÀÌÁö ¼ö  : 904¸é
ISBN  : 9780135128374
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Skills in Clinical Nursing is intended as a primary textbook for nursing education programs and as a reference for practicing nurses.


Completely revised and updated to reflect significant changes in practice Skills in Clinical Nursing 6e, provides current information in a clear, concise format and continues to be a definitive source for clinical nursing skills. Progressing from the simple to the complex, each chapter places techniques in perspective to client anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Applying the nursing process to each technique, it illustrates a detailed step-by-step implementation while providing a thorough overview of the rationale and purpose.

Table of Contents


Unit 1    Introduction


Chapter 1    Foundational Skills                           

Skill 1-1   Hand Hygiene

Skill 1-2   Using Standard Precautions

Skill 1-3   Applying and Removing Personal Protective Equipment (Gloves, Gown, Mask, Eyewear

Skill 1-4   Assisting with Invasive Procedures


Unit 2    Health Assessment


Chapter 2    Vital Signs                                                                         

Skill 2-1   Assessing Body Temperature                                

Skill 2-2   Assessing Peripheral Pulses                                   

Skill 2-3   Assessing an Apical Pulse                                     

Skill 2-4   Assessing an Apical-Radial Pulse                         

Skill 2-5   Assessing Respirations                                          

Skill 2-6   Assessing Blood Pressure                                      

Skill 2-7   Assessing Oxygen Saturation (Pulse Oximeter)    


Chapter 3    Health Assessment                             

Skill 3-1   Assessing Appearance and Mental Status

Skill 3-2   Assessing the Skin                                                 

Skill 3-3   Assessing the Hair                                                 

Skill 3-4   Assessing the Nails                                                

Skill 3-5   Assessing the Skull and Face

Skill 3-6   Assessing the Eye Structures and Visual Acuity  

Skill 3-7   Assessing the Ears and Hearing                            

Skill 3-8   Assessing the Nose and Sinuses                            

Skill 3-9   Assessing the Mouth and Oropharynx                  

Skill 3-10   Assessing the Neck                                             

Skill 3-11   Assessing the Thorax and Lungs                         

Skill 3-12   Assessing the Heart and Central Vessels            

Skill 3-13   Assessing the Peripheral Vascular System          

Skill 3-14   Assessing the Breasts and Axillae                       

Skill 3-15   Assessing the Abdomen                                      

Skill 3-16   Assessing the Musculoskeletal System               

Skill 3-17   Assessing the Neurologic System

Skill 3-18   Assessing the Female Genitals and Inguinal AreaSkill 3-19   Assessing the Male Genitals and Inguinal Area

Skill 3-20   Assessing the AnusSkill 3-21   Assessing Intake and Output 


Chapter 4    Diagnostic Testing                                                                 

Skill 4-1   Obtaining a Capillary Blood Specimen and Measuring Blood Glucose   

Skill 4-2   Obtaining and Testing a Stool Specimen  

Skill 4-3   Collecting a Routine Urine Specimen                   

Skill 4-4   Collecting a Timed Urine Specimen                      

Skill 4-5   Collecting a Urine Specimen for Culture and Sensitivity by the Clean Catch Method

Skill 4-6   Performing Urine Testing Skill 4-7   Collecting A Sputum Specimen

Skill 4-8   Obtaining Nose and Throat Specimens

Skill 4-9   Obtaining a Wound Drainage Specimen


Unit 3    Assisting with Client Hygiene and Comfort


Chapter 5    Client Hygiene                                   

Skill 5-1   Bathing the Adult or Pediatric Client                   

Skill 5-2   Providing Perineal-Genital Care                            

Skill 5-3   Brushing and Flossing the Teeth                           

Skill 5-4   Providing Special Oral Care for the Unconscious or Debilitated Client

Skill 5-5   Providing Hair Care

Skill 5-6   Providing Foot Care                                              

Skill 5-7   Removing, Cleaning, and Inserting a Hearing Aid            


Chapter 6    Bed-Making                                                               

Skill 6-1   Changing an Unoccupied Bed                              

Skill 6-2   Changing an Occupied Bed                                              


Chapter 7    Infection Control                                                       

Skill 7-1    Establishing and Maintaining a Sterile Field

Skill 7-2    Applying and Removing Sterile Gloves (Open Method)             

Skill 7-3    Implementing Transmission-Based Precautions


Chapter 8    Heat and Cold Therapy                                             

Skill 8-1   Applying Dry Heat Measures: Hot Water Bottle, Electric Heating Pad, Aquathermia Pad, Disposable Hot Pack

Skill 8-2   Applying Dry Cold Measures: Ice Bag, Ice Collar, Ice Glove, Disposable Cold Pack

Skill 8-3   Applying Compresses and Moist Packs


Chapter 9    Pain Management                 

Skill 9-1   Assessing the Client in Pain

Skill 9-2   Managing Pain with a PCA Pump

Skill 9-3   Managing a TENS Unit

Skill 9-4   Providing a Back Massage

Skill 9-5   Teaching Progressive Relaxation

Skill 9-6   Assisting with Guided Imagery


Unit 4    Mobility and Safety            


Chapter 10 Positioning the Client                                                                 

Skill 10-1   Supporting the Client¡¯s Position in Bed

Skill 10-2   Moving a Client Up in Bed         

Skill 10-3   Turning a Client to a Lateral or Prone Position in Bed

Skill 10-4   Logrolling a Client

Skill 10-5   Assisting the Client to Sit on the Side of the Bed (Dangling)

Skill 10-6   Transferring between Bed and Chair

Skill 10-7   Transferring between Bed and Stretcher

Skill 10-8   Using a Hydraulic Lift


Chapter 11      Mobilizing the Client                                                                         

Skill 11-1   Assisting the Client in Use of a Wheelchair                        

Skill 11-2   Assisting the Client to Ambulate                        

Skill 11-3   Assisting the Client to Use a Cane

Skill 11-4   Assisting the Client to Use Crutches

Skill 11-5   Assisting the Client to Use a Walker                  


Chapter 12      Fall Prevention and Restraints                                   

Skill 12-1   Using a Bed or Chair Exit Safety Monitoring Device

Skill 12-2   Applying Restraints                                             

Skill 12-3   Implementing Seizure Precautions                      


Chapter 13 Maintaining Joint Mobility                                                                                              

Skill 13-1   Performing Passive Range of Motion Exercises                         

Skill 13-2   Using a Continuous Passive Motion Device       


Unit 5    Medication Administration


Chapter 14    Drug Calculations


Chapter 15    Administering Oral and Enteral Medications            

Skill 15-1    Administering Oral Medications

Skill 15-2    Administering Medications by Enteral Tube


Chapter 16    Administering Topical Medications                           

Skill 16-1     Applying Dermatologic Medications                

Skill 16-2     Administering Ophthalmic Medications           

Skill 16-3     Administering Otic Medications

Skill 16-4     Administering Nasal Medications

Skill 16-5     Administering Metered-Dose Inhaler Medications                  

Skill 16-6     Administering Vaginal Medications

Skill 16-7     Administering Rectal Medications                    


Chapter 17    Administering Parenteral Medications                      

Skill 17-1     Preparing Medications from Ampules               

Skill 17-2     Preparing Medications from Vials                     

Skill 17-3     Mixing Medications Using One Syringe

Skill 17-4     Administering an Intradermal Injection for Skin Tests

Skill 17-5     Administering a Subcutaneous Injection          

Skill 17-6     Administering an Intramuscular Injection         

Skill 17-7     Adding Medications to Intravenous Fluid Containers

Skill 17-8     Administering Intermittent Intravenous Medications Using a Secondary Set

Skill 17-9     Administering Intravenous Medications Using IV Push          


Chapter 18    Administering Intravenous Therapy                                                 

Skill 18-1     Performing Venipuncture

Skill 18-2     Starting an Intravenous Infusion

Skill 18-3     Using an Infusion Pump or Controller              

Skill 18-4     Maintaining Infusions

Skill 18-5     Maintaining Intermittent Infusion Devices

Skill 18-6     Discontinuing Infusion Devices                        

Skill 18-7     Administering Blood Transfusions

Skill 18-8     Managing Central Lines

Skill 18-9     Performing Central Line Dressing Changes      

Skill 18-10   Working with Implanted Vascular Access Devices


Unit 6    Nutrition and Elimination


Chapter 19    Feeding Clients                                                            

Skill 19-1   Assisting an Adult to Eat                                    

Skill 19-2   Inserting a Nasogastric Tube

Skill 19-3   Removing Nasogastric Tube                               

Skill 19-4   Administering a Tube Feeding                            

Skill 19-5   Administering a Gastrostomy or Jejunostomy Feeding

Skill 19-6   Providing Total Parenteral Nutrition


Chapter 20    Assisting with Urinary Elimination                           

Skill 20-1   Assisting with a Urinal

Skill 20-2   Applying an External Urinary Device                 

Skill 20-3   Performing Urinary Catheterization                    

Skill 20-4   Performing Catheter Care and Removal

Skill 20-5   Performing Bladder Irrigation                                         

Skill 20-6   Performing Urinary Ostomy Care


Chapter 21    Assisting with Fecal Elimination                               

Skill 21-1   Assisting with a Bedpan                                     

Skill 21-2   Administering an Enema                                     

Skill 21-3   Removing a Fecal Impaction                                                       

Skill 21-4   Changing a Bowel Diversion Ostomy Appliance                       


Chapter 22    Caring for Clients with Peritoneal Dialysis     

Skill 22-1   Assisting with Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Insertion

Skill 22-2   Conducting Peritoneal Dialysis Procedures


Unit 7    Circulatory and Ventilatory Support


Chapter 23    Promoting Circulation                                                

Skill 23-1   Applying Antiemboli Stockings

Skill 23-2   Applying a Sequential Compression Device


Chapter 24    Breathing Exercises        

Skill 24-1   Teaching Abdominal (Diaphragmatic) Breathing                       

Skill 24-2   Using an Incentive Spirometer


Chapter 25    Oxygen Therapy                                                        

Skill 25-1   Administering Oxygen by Cannula, Face Mask, or Face tent    

Skill 25-2   Measuring Peak Expiratory Flow


Chapter 26    Suctioning                                                                  

Skill 26-1   Oropharyngeal, Nasopharyngeal, and Nasotrachial Suctioning

Skill 26-2   Suctioning a Tracheostomy or Endotracheal Tube                      


Chapter 27    Caring for the Client with a Tracheostomy               

Skill 27-1   Providing Tracheostomy Care

Skill 27-2   Capping a Tracheostomy Tube with a Speaking Valve


Chapter 28     Assisting with Mechanical Ventilation

Skill 28-1   Caring for the Client on a Mechanical Ventilator

Skill 28-2   Weaning the Client from a Ventilator


Chapter 29    Caring for the Client with Chest Tube Drainage       

Skill 29-1   Assisting with Chest Tube Insertion

Skill 29-2   Maintaining Chest Tube Drainage

Skill 29-3   Assisting with Chest Tube Removal


Chapter 30    Administering Emergency Measures to the Hospitalized Client

Skill 30-1   Clearing an Obstructed Airway

Skill 30-2   Performing Rescue Breathing

Skill 30-3   Administering External Cardiac Compressions

Skill 30-4   Delivering Automated External Defibrillation    


Unit 8    Wounds and Injury Care


Chapter 31    Performing Wound and Pressure Ulcer Care             

Skill 31-1   Assessing Wounds and Pressure Ulcers              

Skill 31-2   Performing a Dry Dressing Change

Skill 31-3   Applying a Transparent Wound Barrier              

Skill 31-4   Applying a Hydrocolloid Dressing

Skill 31-5   Irrigating a Wound

Skill 31-6   Assisting with a Sitz Bath                                   

Skill 31-7   Performing a Damp-to-Damp Dressing Change

Skill 31-8   Using Alginates on Wounds                                                                   

Skill 31-9   Applying Bandages and Binders


Chapter 32    Orthopedic Care                                            

Skill 32-1   Providing Initial Cast Care

Skill 32-2   Providing Ongoing Cast Care

Skill 32-3   Caring for Clients in Skeletal Traction 


Chapter 33    Performing Perioperative Care                                   

Skill 33-1 Conducting Preoperative Teaching

Skill 33-2 Performing a Surgical Hand Antisepsis/Scrub

Skill 33-3 Applying a Sterile Gown and Sterile Gloves (Closed Method)    

Skill 33-4 Managing Gastrointestinal (GI) Suction

Skill 33-5 Cleaning a Sutured Wound and Changing a Dressing on a Wound with a Drain

Skill 33-6 Maintaining Closed Wound Drainage

Skill 33-7 Removing Sutures           


Chapter 34    End-of-Life Care

Skill 34-1 Meeting the Physiologic Needs of the Dying Client

Skill 34- 2 Performing Postmortem Care

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Á¦Ç°¸í Skills in Clinical Nursing, 6/E
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý 45,000¿ø
Á¦Á¶»ç Prentice Hall
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