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NCLEX Exam Prep
¼ÒºñÀÚ°¡°Ý  : 35,000¿ø (10%ÇÒÀÎ)
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Àû¸³±Ý  : 945Á¡
ÃâÆǻ砠: Pearson IT Certification
ÀúÀÚ  : Wilda Rinehart
¹ßÇàÀÏ  : 2008
ÆäÀÌÁö ¼ö  : 1008¸é
ISBN  : 9780789735966
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Table of Contents



Instructional Features

Extensive Practice Test Options

Final Review

Other Valuable Tools

About the NCLEX Exam

Advice for Preparing for the Exam

Advice for Test Day

Hints for Using This Book

Contact the Author

Study and Exam Preparation Tips

Study Tips

Exam Prep Tips

Read the Question Carefully

Look for Keywords

Watch for Specific Details

Eliminate Options That Are Clearly Wrong or Incorrect

Look for Similar Options

Look for Opposite Answers

Part I: Exam Preparation

Chapter 1:
Fluid and Electrolyte and Acid/Base Balance

Total Body Water Calculation

Management of the Client with Imbalances in Fluid and Electrolytes

Types of Intravenous Fluids

How the Body Regulates Electrolytes

How the Body Regulates pH

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Treatment of Clients with Alterations in Fluids and Electrolytes

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 2:
Care of the Client with Cardiovascular Disorders


Diagnosing the Client With Hypertension

Managing the Client with Hypertension

Coronary Artery Disease

Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis

Conduction System of the Heart

Heart Block

Cardiac Monitoring

Reading a ECG

Cardiac Dysrhythmias

Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular Fibrillation

Internal Cardiac Defibrillators

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Angina Pectoris

Myocardial Infarction

Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction

Management of a Client with Myocardial Infarction


Inflammatory Diseases of the Heart

Infective Endocarditis


Peripheral Vascular Disease

Varicose Veins / Thrombophlebitis

Raynaud¡¯s Phenomenon

Buerger¡¯s Disease

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Used in the Treatment of Clients with Cardiovascular Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 3:
Care of the Client with Endocrine Disorders

Pituitary Gland



Disorders of the Posterior Pituitary Gland

Thyroid Disorders



Parathyroid Disorders



Diabetes Mellitus



Managing Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia

Adrenal Gland

Adrenal Gland Disorders

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Used to Treat Clients with Endocrine Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 4:
Care of the Client with Respiratory Disorders

Noninfectious Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract

Chronic Bronchitis




Pulmonary Hypertension

Interstitial Pulmonary Disease


Pulmonary Fibrosis

Occupational Pulmonary Disease

Infectious Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract




Life-Threatening Pulmonary Disorders

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Pulmonary Embolus



Emerging Infections


Legionnaires¡¯ Disease

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with Disorders of the Respiratory System

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 5:
Care of the Client with Genitourinary Disorders

Renal Disorders

Acute Glomerulonephritis

Chronic Glomerulonephritis

Nephrotic Syndrome

Polycystic Kidney Disease



Acute and Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic Renal Failure

Peritoneal Dialysis


Renal Transplantation

Urinary Disorders


Urinary Incontinence


Genitourinary Disorders


Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Erectile Dysfunction



Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacologic Agents for the Client with Genitourinary Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 6:
Care of the Client with Integumentary Disorders

Common Infections of the Integumentary System

Viral Infections

Fungal Infections

Bacterial Infections


Pressure Ulcers


Burn Classifications

Burn Measurement with TBSA

Nursing Care for Burn Victims

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with
Integumentary Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 7:
Care of the Client with Sensory Disorders

Disorders of the Eyes

Intraocular Disorders


Retinal Disorders

Refractive Errors

Traumatic Injuries

Ocular Melanoma

Disorders of the Ears

Otitis Externa

Otitis Media


Ménière¡¯s Disease

Acoustic Neuroma



Ear Trauma

Assisting Clients with Hearing Loss

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with
Disorders of the Eyes and Ears

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 8:
Care of the Client with Gastrointestinal Disorders

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Types of Ulcers

Diagnosis of Ulcers

Treatment of Ulcers

Inflammatory Bowel Disorders

Chron¡¯s Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

Management of the Client with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Diverticular Disease

Management of the Client with Diverticulitis




Intestinal Obstruction

Esophageal Disorders


Hiatal Hernia

Diseases Associated with the Liver



Acute Pancreatitis

Diagnosis of Pancreatitis

Treatment of Pancreatitis


Symptoms of Cholecystitis and Cholethiasis

Diagnosis of Cholecystitis/Cholethiasis

Treatment of Cholecystitis

Treatment of Cholethiasis

Food-Borne Illnesses

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 9:
Care of the Client with Hematological Disorders


Pernicious Anemia

Aplastic Anemia

Sickle Cell Anemia

Iron Deficiency Anemia


Polycythemia Vera


Transfusion Therapy

Transfusion Reactions

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests for Review

Pharmacological Agents Used in Hematological Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 10:
Caring for the Client with Disorders of the Neurological System

Neurological Assessment

Cranial Nerve Assessment

Glasgow Coma Scale

Intracranial Pressure Monitors

Brain Injuries

Epidural Hematomas

Subdural Hematoma

Intracerebral Hematomas

Treatment of Hematomas

Increased Intracranial Pressure

Brain Tumors

Treatment of Brain Tumors

Care of the Client with Intracranial Surgery (Craniotomy)

Cerebrovascular Accident/Stroke

Ischemic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke


Types of Seizures

Treatment of Seizure Clients

Status Epilepticus

Parkinson¡¯s Disease


Autoimmune Neurological Disorders

Multiple Sclerosis

Myasthenia Gravis


Degenerative Neurological Disorders

Spinal Cord Injuries

Treatment of Spinal Cord injuries

Potential Complications with SCI Clients

Intervertebral Disk Disease

Diabetes Insipidus

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of Clients with Neurological Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 11:
Care of the Client with Immunologic Disorders


HIV Prevention

Standard Precautions

Airborne Transmission—Based Precautions (Second Tier of CDC Guidelines for Infection Control)

Droplet Transmission—Based Precautions (Second Tier of CDC
Guidelines for Infection Control)

Contact Transmission—Based Precautions (Second Tier of CDC Guidelines for Infection Control)

Treatments After Occupational Exposure

Management of the Client with HIV

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with Immunologic Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 12:
Caring for the Client with Neoplastic Disorders

American Cancer Society¡¯s Seven Warning Signs of Cancer

The Four Major Categories of Cancer

Risk Factors for Specific Cancers

Cancer Prevention

Major Types of Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Lung Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Breast Cancer

Other Major Cancers

General Interventions for Clients with Cancer



Total Parenteral Nutrition

Neoplastic Associated Disorders and Emergencies

Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplantation

Types of Transplants

Nursing Care After Transplantation

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacologic Agents Used in the Care of the Client with Specific Neoplastic Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 13:
Caring for the Client with Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders


Major Fracture Sites

General Treatment for Fractures

Common Complications Associated with Fractures



Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

Treatment of the Client with Osteoarthritis


Ankylosing Spondylitis


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Lupus Erythematosus

Musculoskeletal Surgical Procedures

Fractured Hip and Hip Replacement

Total Knee Replacement


Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacologic Agents Used in Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 14:
Care of the Childbearing Client and the Neonatal Client

Prenatal Care

Signs of Pregnancy

Prenatal Diet and Weight Maintenance

Measuring Fetal Heart Tones

Prelabor Testing

Intrapartal Care

Stages of Labor

Important Terms You Should Know

Complications Associated with Pregnancy

Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy

Diabetes in Pregnancy


Ectopic Pregnancy

Hydatidiform Mole

Incompetent Cervix

Types of Abortions

Placenta Previa

Abruptio Placenta

Complications Associated with Labor and Delivery

Post-Term Labor and Birth

Precipitate Delivery

Cord Prolapse

Cesarean Birth

Assisted Birth

Fetal Monitoring

Pharmacologic Management of Labor

Postpartum Care

Newborn Care

Terms Associated with the Normal Newborn

Rh Incompatibility

Women¡¯s Health Issues

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease


Maternal Infections

Methods of Contraception

Key Concepts

Key Terms

Diagnostic Tests

Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Obstetric Client

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Resource List

Chapter 15:
Care of the Pediatric Client

Growth and Development

Infant (28 Days to 1 Year)

Toddler (1—3 Years)

Preschooler (3—5 Years)

School Age (6—12 Years)

Adolescence (12—18 Years)

Caring for the Child with Respiratory Disorders

Upper Airway Infections

Lower Airway Infections

Long-Term Respiratory Disorders

Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis)

Caring for the Child with Gastrointestinal Disorders

Disorders of Motility

Structural Defects

Obstructive Disorders

Inflammatory and Parasitic Disorders

Malabsorptive/Metabolic Syndromes

Ingestion of Hazardous Substances

Caring for the Child with Cardiovascular Disorders

Congenital Heart Defects

Acquired Heart Disease

Caring for the Child with Genitourinary Disorders

Obstructive Uropathy

External Defects (Hypospadias, Epispadias, Exstrophy of the Bladder)

Epispadias/Exstrophy of the Bladder

Caring for the Child with Neoplastic Disorders


Wilms¡¯ Tumor (Nephroblastoma)



Osteosarcoma and Ewing¡¯s Sarcoma


Surviving Childhood Cancer

Caring for the Child with Cerebral Disorders

Intracranial Infections (Encephalitis and Bacterial Meningitis)

Reye¡¯s Syndrome

Caring for the Child with Integumentary Disorders

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)


Pediculosis Capitis (Head Lice)

Lyme Disease

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Caring for the Child with Communicable Disease

Caring for the Child with Musculoskeletal Disorders

Congenital Clubfoot

Developmental Hip Dysplasia

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease (Coxa Plana)


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis)

Caring for the Child with Neuromuscular Disorders

Cerebral Palsy

Neural Tube Defects

Spina Bifida

Muscular Dystrophies

Caring for the Abused and Neglected Child

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of Pediatric Clients

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 16:
Care of the Client with Psychiatric Disorders

Anxiety-Related Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Somatoform Disorder

Panic Disorder

Phobic Disorders

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Personality Disorders

Cluster A

Cluster B

Cluster C

Managing Clients with Personality Disorders

Psychotic Disorders


Bipolar Disorders

Substance Abuse


Chemical Dependence

Psychological Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Conduct Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Eating Disorders

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Used in the Care of the Client with Psychiatric Disorders

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 17:
Emergency Care

The ABCDs of Emergency Care





Obtaining Client Information


Head Injuries

Chest Injuries

Abdominal Injuries

Documenting and Protecting Forensic Evidence


Poisonous Stings and Bites


Chemical and Biological Agents

Nuclear Warfare

Triage Categories for Disaster Victims

Key Concepts

Key Terms


Pharmacological Agents Commonly Used in ER Treatment

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 18:
Legal Issues in Nursing Practice

Types of Laws

Statutory Laws/Regulatory Laws

Civil Laws

Criminal Laws

Common Laws

Code of Ethical Behavior in Nursing Practice

Legalities That Affect Nursing Practice






Witnessing Consent for Care

Managing Client Care

Key Terms

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Chapter 19:
Cultural Practices Influencing Nursing Care

Cultural Assessment

Understanding Client Beliefs

Working with Clients Who Speak Different Languages

Healthcare of Hispanics/Latinos

Time Considerations

Use of Nonverbal/Verbal Communication

Childbirth and Pain Response

Healthcare of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives

Time Considerations

Use of Nonverbal/Verbal Communication

Childbirth and Pain Response

Healthcare of Asian-Americans

Time Considerations

Use of Nonverbal/Verbal Communication

Childbirth and Pain Response

Healthcare of Arab-Americans

Time Considerations

Use of Nonverbal/Verbal Communication

Childbirth and Pain Response

Nursing Plan Dietary Considerations Across Cultures

Religious Beliefs and Refusal of Care Considerations

Key Terms

Apply Your Knowledge

Exam Questions

Answers to Exam Questions

Suggested Reading and Resources

Part II: Final Review

Fast Facts

The NCLEX¢ç Exam Prep

Practice Exam I

Fluid and Electrolytes and Acid/Base Balance

Care of the Client with Cardiovascular Disorders

Care of the Client with Endocrine Disorders

Care of the Client with Immunological Disorders

Care of the Childbearing Client and the Neonatal Client

Practice Exam II

Care of the Client with Respiratory Disorders

Care of the Client with Genitourinary Disorders

Care of the Client with Integumentary Disorders

Care of the Client with Sensory Disorders

Care of the Pediatric Client

Care of the Client with Psychiatric Disorders

Emergency Care

Practice Exam III

Care of the Client with Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders

Care of the Client with Gastrointestinal Disorders

Care of the Client with Neoplastic Disorders

Care of the Client with Neurological Disorders

Care of the Client with Hematological Disorders

Practice Exam IV: Management and Alternative Item Exam Questions

Management Questions

Alternative Items

Answers to Practice Exam I

Answers at a Glance to Practice Exam I

Answers with Explanations

Fluid and Electrolytes and Acid/Base Balance

Care of the Client with Cardiovascular Disorders

Care of the Client with Endocrine Disorders

Care of the Client with Immunologic Disorders

Care of the Childbearing Client and the Neonatal Client

Answers to Practice Exam II

Answers at a Glance to Practice Exam II

Answers with Explanations

Care of the Client with Respiratory Disorders

Care of the Client with Genitourinary Disorders

Care of the Client with Integumentary Disorders

Care of the Client with Sensory Disorders

Care of the Pediatric Client

Care of the Client with Psychiatric Disorders

Emergency Care

Answers to Practice Exam III

Answers at a Glance to Practice Exam III

Answers with Explanations

Care of the Client with Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders

Care of the Client with Gastrointestinal Disorders

Care of the Client with Neoplastic Disorders

Care of the Client with Neurological Disorders

Care of the Client with Hematological Disorders

Answers to Practice Exam IV: Management and Alternative Item Exam Questions

Answers to Management Questions

Alternative Item Answers

Part III: Appendixes

Appendix A: Things You Forgot

Appendix B: Need to Know More?

Appendix C: Calculations

Appendix D: Most-Prescribed Medications in the United States

Appendix E: Alphabetical Listing of Nursing Boards in the United States and Protectorates

Appendix F: What¡¯s on the CD-ROM


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Clinical Anatomy Cases: .. 60,000¿ø
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